
The information on this site is subject to a disclaimer, a copyright notice and rules related to personal data protection, including conditions of use.

All products and colours shown on the site are indicative only. They may not match exactly with actual colours. Vantage reserves the right to modify/revise the rates, technical specifications without prior notice, accept/reject or discontinue advertisement banners without assigning any reason whatsoever.

All information contained herein is to be used for reference and as guidelines only. Navrang will not be responsible for any claims arising out of the use of any information displayed on the site. Navrang reserves the right to modify and/or change anything on this web-site at any time, without giving any prior notice or reason whatsoever. Neither the whole nor any part of this web- site may be used in any form or manner, without the written approval of Navrang.

Navrang has a policy of ongoing design, development and improvements and thus reserves the right to modify specifications and prices without prior notice."

The function of the links appearing on this page is exclusively to inform users of the existence of other sources related to the subject on the internet and to provide them with additional information to that provided in this web page. These links do not suggest, invite or recommend users to visit their related sites. Navrang therefore accepts no responsibility for the results of using these links.

Under no circumstances Navrang will be responsible to third parties for any direct or indirect economic damage, loss of clients or profits resulting from the use of www.navrangent.com